In the News
The Taboos of Heavy Periods – In the News 29 July 2019

The Taboos of Heavy Periods – In the News 29 July 2019

Is My Period Normal? How To Know When It’s Time To See A Doctor

  • Educational feature in the Huffington Post, sponsored by Galaxy Chocolate, on what counts as a normal period and when to see a doctor
  • They asked experts when it’s worth seeking help for period symptoms like bleeding, cramps and clotting
  • Dr Hannah Barham-Brown, an ambassador for the charity The Eve Appeal, explains that “flooding” (bleeding through tampons or towels), is quite common, but can be really disruptive and have a huge impact on people’s lives. “If you’re having to change your product up to hourly, doubling up protection, bleeding between periods, after sex, or having to take time off work, please see your doctor for a check up,” she says
  • The article also points out that if you’re experiencing painful cramps and feeling lethargic then it’s worth consulting your GP
  • It concludes that periods might be annoying, but they shouldn’t be having a huge, detrimental impact and to see your GP if you’re concerned
  • Read the full article in the Huffington Post UK; Is my period normal?


Teacher told girl, 14, ‘learn how to control your period’ when she asked to use the toilet

  • Maisie-Rae Adams, 14, suffered an ‘accident’ and asked to use the facilities but was left ‘humiliated and embarrassed’ when she was told to remain in the classroom
  • She says she has received detention on three separate occasions – each time because she was asking to use the toilet because she was on her period
  • Her mum Kelly Adams, 46, said that both she and her daughter suffer from heavy periods which can sometimes come up to three times a month
  • Kelly told Gloucestershire Live: ‘I think it would be a good idea to get the girls wearing a little pink wristband and then it would show the teachers and others that the girl is on her period and that they may be a little emotional and not able to concentrate that week
  • Read the full article in the Metro Teacher told girl ‘learn how to control your period’
  • Also featured in The Sun, Heart and The Mirror


Why taboos about discussing the female body are dying

  • Periods, miscarriage and menopause were traditionally ‘private topics’. A raft of new books is changing that
  • Kate Panter, a consultant obstetrician and menopause expert, says “There is definitely a sense that the stigma surrounding women’s health is being taken away by women themselves. They’re saying: these are our bodies, this is how they work and society has to make allowances for that because we are half the population.”
  • Read the full article in the Guardian; Vagina Dialogues


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